Understanding Marijuana 4 hours  This class gives a general overview of what happens when Marijuana is used.  It cover the negative physical and mental issues that may come up with usage.

Consequences of Alcohol & Drugs 4 hours We give a general overview of a how alcohol and drugs change how the body and mind works.  This class will cover most drug groups.

Retail Fraud Use 4 hours :  This class shows the health and legal consequences of committing retail fraud, teaches coping skills, where to get support, alternatives to shoplifting, and how to identify triggers.

Dealing with Anger 4 hours  We focus on how to defuse situations that can lead to bad decisions while angry.  Using simple techniques that will help make better decisions while in stressful situations.




8 week Alcohol & Drug Prevention & Education Group:  An in depth look at how alcohol and drugs change the body and how this changes the abuser’s ability to function in society.


8 week Marijuana Education Group:  This class shows the health related and legal consequences of using and possessing cannabis. It allows for students to self examine and, with the help of counselors, work towards a healthier lifestyle.   

12 week Alcohol & Drug Prevention & Education Group: This course expands upon the 8 week course, delving deeper into ways in which those who have abused these substances can avoid them, and continue the progress made in the 8 week course.




Anger Management Group 8-52 weeks(min 8 weeks) Long term Anger management class.. The clients will take an indepth look at how anger affects their daily lives and what to do in stressful situations.  

Domestic Violence Group 26-52 weeks(min 26)  A gender specific class that deals with domestic violence and how to best deescalate these confrontations.