Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Driving under the influence of alcohol, or DUI has claimed more than 10,000 lives across the US, and has led to over 1.5 million arrests, which is quite a staggering figure for any progressive society. According to US government estimates, there is a DUI related incident recorded every 53 minutes.  The Drug Enforcement Agency, or DEA, is out there trying to prevent the sale and use of illegal substances and alcohol, especially among younger demographics.

DUI or Driving Under Influence

It is illegal to be driving or operating a vehicle under the influence of prescribed or recreational drugs and/or alcohol, and this is termed as driving under the influence. An individual can be charged with DUI if he/she is found to have alcohol or drug above a certain threshold level. Often people have to undergo Michigan Drug Assessment Test if they have been booked for DUI.

Some of the signs that confirm drunk driving include:

  • Driving at high speed,
  • Stopping the vehicle at without any reason,
  • Taking wide turns,
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road,
  • Swerving,
  • Switching off the headlights while driving at night.

The permitted limit of BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration is 0.08. Alcohol affects a person both emotionally as well as physically while changing their behavior. From the liver to the brain, and from the heart to the excretory system, everything gets affected by alcoholism. However, when someone drives under the influence of alcohol, the chances of an accident tends to increase exponentially.

How Alcohol DUI is tested?

A Michigan alcohol screening test is conducted on individuals suspected of DUI, and when it is confirmed the individual is arrested for DUI. Presently there are 3 different types of BAC tests performed.

Breath Test

Very popular among law enforcement agencies, the Michigan alcohol screening test is compact and portable, and provides results immediately. During this test breathalyzers are used wherein the driver is required to blow into an apparatus containing air sacs. This instrument is capable of determining alcohol level in the breath.  


Blood Test

Though this is a more time consuming procedure, the blood test to determine the toxicity levels is more accurate. Since this is an intrusive approach, law enforcers need the consent of an individual before extraction. Not giving consent for this test, and later testing above the legal limit, will land an individual a longer jail term and larger fine as Michigan Super Drunk Law is some of the most strict in the entire US.  

Urine Test

This is the least accurate BAC test but can be used when the other tests cannot be performed. Michigan Welfare Drug Testing does not make this a mandatory test as the alcohol level in the urine often gets affected by other external factors.